Your Human Package Is Always Going To Say No…
But you can say yes.
Waiting for your human brain to want to do something means you’ll probably be waiting forever.
Well, maybe not forever, since forever is, well, forever.
But definitely, it will be a rare event when you wake up and want to-really want to-clean the house, write a book, or make the phone call you’ve been putting off.
Stephen Pressfield talks about this problem. He calls it resistance.
It comes in all forms. Read his War of Art to learn more about it.
But the bottom line is that the human mind-in the human package-does not like to change. It works hard at saying “no” to everything.
This means that doing what you-the real you, not the human package called you-most want to do is something your human self and other humans are going to stop if they can.
Do you want to be an athlete? Practice every day. Get up, get going. When you want it enough, you learn to shut down the resistance that says, “It’s a bad day outside for running, or I’m too tired, or I don’t want to.”
Of course, there is the other side of how the human package resists. It does too much. Eats too much, works too hard, and takes care of other people first, so there is no time to think about or do what you really want to do.
Resistance can be found in the thought that you don’t know what you want to do anyway, so you don’t do anything.
But once you discover your passion, your reason d’etre, then that resistance begins to lose its power over you.
Not that it stops resisting. Far from it. Resistance may intensify for a time. But because you know what you want and are willing to work for it, you develop an awareness of what resistance is saying and doing, and you learn to say, “No, I’m doing it, anyway.”
If you want a clean house, you clean it. Who wants to clean? Most of us don’t wake up each day saying, “Goody, I can’t wait to clean.”
Instead, we recognize what we do want and go for it.
Want to write a book? Not for the money, but because you have something to share?
Resistance says there isn’t time. You don’t know enough. It’s too hard. You don’t know what to write.
But that’s a crock of you-know-what.
There is time. You do know enough. Yes, it’s hard, but not too hard, and often fabulously joyful, and the only way to figure out what to write is to start.
This applies to everything. Discover what you want (yes, tricky, but you can do it), and then laugh at the bugaboo in your human package that’s trying to shut it down.
There is no need to spend time super-analyzing why resistance exists. That is also a form of resistance. Just notice it and move on.
Face and replace. Face the problem and replace it with a solution.
Sure, that’s easier said than done. But seriously, why not do it anyway? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Do you want help figuring out your purpose or finding the solution? Try any of the Shift Series books or take a Home Study course.
All of them contain practical tools to help you step away from the human perception of yourself and live as your true spiritual nature.
But the coolest way is to take a live class with me so that I can give you hands-on help, and you will meet lifelong friends.
Sign up for Right Thinking now, and give resistance a sign that you are moving on, baby!
Originally published at on December 18, 2023.