When You Hit A Foggy Patch

Beca Lewis
3 min readMar 21, 2024


Slow down and shift your state of mind and point of view.

As we drove to work one morning, we were celebrating the fact that it was a beautiful, sunny spring day. Suddenly, it wasn’t. Within seconds, we were surrounded by fog. We could see less than twenty feet in front of us.

Cars slowed down, car lights flicked on, and everyone became alert and careful as they continued to drive. Within minutes, we had driven out of the fog, and once again, it was a beautiful, sunny spring day.

Isn’t life like this?

We are happily living a fulfilling and abundant life, and without warning, our wealth, health, love, or happiness seem to disappear.

What is the difference between hitting the fog on the road and hitting the fog in our lives?

Nothing except our point of view and state of mind—and that is everything.

Here’s what we don’t think when we hit fog on the road. “Yikes, everything in the world is gone. What must I do to bring it back?”

It never occurs to us to think this way. We know for certain that the world as we know it has been only momentarily hidden.

This point of view results in a state of mind of caution, patience, and gratitude for every moment of safety.

We slow down, turn on headlights, and carefully drive until we are out of the fog.

We don’t have the point of view and state of mind that we are responsible for bringing the world back into existence.

We don’t accept the fear, panic, responsibility, and ego accompanying that perception.

Fog in our lives does not change the fact that all we need is present now. It only hides it from view.

When we shine the light of a point of view that nothing has changed, that omnipresent Love is filling all space and omnipotent Mind is constantly providing for us, the fog lifts to reveal what has never been lost.

This makes a spiritual perception appear to produce practical results.

Back in my twenties, struggling to pay bills and feed my family, I was balancing my checkbook and discovered that I had about $200 less in my bank than I thought I had. Immediately, I panicked.

During that time, problems, like fog, had appeared so often in my life that my point of view and state of mind was, “Oh no, not again.”

I was full of fear and felt responsible for the mistake. I began to act from my ego. I started thinking that since I caused the problem, I must have to fix it.

As I walked home from the bank, my state of mind relaxed enough to think from the spiritual point of view of omnipresent Love.

As I did so, it occurred to me that I should recheck my statement.

When I did, I discovered the bank had credited a $200 deposit as only $2.00.

The fog had lifted and revealed that nothing had changed.

Fog is a mist. In our lives, it is a mist that clouds over Truth.

It is a misperception. It doesn’t matter what the need may appear—whether money, health, love, companionship, or happiness, the truth is that everything we need is present, always has been, and always will be.

Our perception produces, filters, and shapes our viewpoint of the world that we live in. It doesn’t create it.

Our perception, point of view, and state of mind reveal only what we believe to be reality.

As people worldwide appear to struggle in a fog, we have a practical solution. We can drive with our headlights of clarity on a high beam.

We can shift our state of mind and point of view to Truth.

We can remember, with gratitude, that the fog will lift, and the world will appear as it has been all along—perfect, abundant, safe, and joyful.



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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