The Box-World Versus the Everything-Is-Good-World.

A Modern-Day Fairy Tale With You As The Hero

Beca Lewis
5 min readFeb 13, 2024

As I slowly sank into a stretch, I thought about when I was little and learned these stretches. Back then, our teachers taught us to “bounce” into the stretch. Now we know to “sink” into the stretch.

Bouncing versus sinking is also a way to view the world, and, of course, we all know that the view changes everything.

So, will you take a brief trip with me as I tell you a fairy tale story? Let’s look at what we call the world differently.

Once upon a time, we believed that there were two worlds.

Okay, I know we still act as if there were two, but you and I know there is only one. And if you are not so sure, perhaps this little perception trip of a story will make a difference. In the meantime, let’s explore the once-upon-a-time idea.

Back to my story:

Once upon a time, we believed that there were two worlds. The first world was just a big box.

Inside the box was a limited amount of toys, so everyone learned to play the game “I want my toy” and only shared when it benefited them to do so.

In this world, there was good and bad. In this world, everyone bounced from good to bad and back again, emotionally and physically.

This was painful in many, many ways, so people started searching for a way out of the Box World. They were so hoping that there was an escape.

In the meantime, they made up lots of stories about how they got there in the first place, and sometimes, those stories helped ease the pain of trying to get enough toys and endure the bouncing.

However, they were only stories, and they still lived in the box.

Yes, I said there was another world. However, this one wasn’t in a box. It was — ahem — everywhere.

Everything is always available in this world, even before it is needed, so there is actually no need at all.

There are no stories, no games, and most certainly, no bouncing between good and bad because, in this world, all exists as Good.

In this world, sinking into goodness is the only thing going on.

One day in the Box World, a few people asked, “What if that Everything Good World was really here now, and the Box World is a figment of our imagination?

What good would it be then to fix this Box World by bouncing around and grabbing?”

They wondered, “What if we started sinking into Good instead?”

Well, of course, this made sense. If the Everywhere Good World was everywhere, it was also where a Box World appeared to be.

As more and more people stopped bouncing and started sinking into Good, the walls of the Box World did an amazing thing.

The walls began to dissolve.

As the walls dissolved, more and more people began to see and experience the Everywhere Good World.

It wasn’t always easy. Some people simply could not grasp that the Box World wasn’t actually real.

Sometimes, it was because they were powerful in the Box World and, therefore, loved it too much. Sometimes, they were afraid because the Everywhere Good World was not visible using the five physical senses, and that was the only way they knew how to know.

Some people — gasp — wanted to keep us in the Box World, so they built more and more walls around us, dividing us into little groups with our own agendas.

They kept us busy fighting and arguing over petty details that exist only in the Box World.

However, you know that you, as the hero of this story, continued to sink into Good, refusing to be drawn into battle with others and dissolving every wall you encountered.

Because of the persistent sinking into Good going on, everyone soon yearned to experience the Everywhere Good World, but they wanted a magic way to find it.

Luckily, it was discovered that there was a magic dust that, if used consistently and with pure intent, would reveal the Everywhere Good World to anyone who used it by dissolving the walls of the Box World.

This magic dust is called “gratitude.”

Everyone learned that if gratitude were sprinkled liberally, like salt, over everything viewed by the five material senses, it would dissolve walls and bring into view the true nature of everything in the Box World.

Yes, it’s true. There was a time when we did not know that people, places, and things in the Box World were actually just placeholders, or symbols, of what were really the unique expressions of Good.

Of course, as the walls dissolved, this became increasingly obvious.

If the Everything Good World is everywhere, then right where there appears to be a Box World is really Everything Good.

As the people sank into Good and sprinkled the magic salt of gratitude, the illusion of a Box World vanished, and the Everything Good World was seen as it is, the only One, here and now and forever.

The idea of grabbing for toys and bouncing from good to evil was vanquished. Good and Love ruled the land, and perfection was found to be the truth and essence of all things.

Before we end this story, my friends, we must remember to keep guard and teach our descendants to keep guard.

Because although we now know that only the Everything Good World exists, we never want to be deceived again into believing in a power other than Good.

We have learned that it is our agreement with it and our belief in it that brings it into its counterfeit existence.

So we keep guard, we check our thoughts. We sprinkle the salt of gratitude constantly, and we never stop sinking into Good.

Most of all, in every moment, we celebrate the Oneness of all, and as we see as Good sees, we experience that ultimate beauty of heaven here and now, where there is no need and the infinite includes us and is ours.

The End — or really, The Beginning



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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