Penny Portals Into Heaven

Your own personal holodeck.

Beca Lewis
3 min readMay 28, 2024

Have you ever dreamed of stepping through a portal and finding yourself in a place that feels like heaven?

It’s not impossible. It can happen to you today!

Portals in the Stargate television series are few and far between, opening into unfamiliar territory and often hostile environments.

In the world we live in, we also have portals.

However, our portals are infinite in number and are always present.

Although our portals also open into often unfamiliar territory, the environment need not be hostile but can be welcoming and beautiful.

In fact, with the right perception, they open into heaven on earth.

What do these portals look like? This is the cool part.

They look like a pencil, a flower, a rabbit, or an apple.

Everything we see and experience is a portal because everything we see and experience is the presence of the Divine.

What we perceive as objects—people, places, and things—are symbols pointing us to the true spiritual nature of all things.

Because we think symbols are limited and material, our habit is to see their inversion.

Instead, we can see each symbol as a portal straight into heaven.

How does this work?

If you will board the spaceship Imagination with me, I’ll show you how to make the connection.

It’s the same as plugging your computer into an electrical socket.

To turn the computer on and open up in a different world, we need to plug it in.

In the same way, connection to one symbol is the plug that opens the door to an entire universe or the awareness of heaven on earth.

You can use any symbol to open your portal.

Right now, I have hundreds of portals from which to choose.

I could choose any item in my office: the straw in my drink, the phone, the mouse, the desk, books, pictures, or pencils.

If I look out my window, I can choose clouds, leaves, flowers, squirrels, or grass. Yes, symbols are infinite.

Any object is a symbol, a totem, or an icon — a portal into the world of abundance — only limited by our imagination.

As you choose a symbol, look past what appears to be material.

Let its divine substance speak to you and open the portal door.

For example, a fire hydrant could open a portal when we recognize the qualities it represents, like safety, caring, service, and abundance of water.

I chose pennies as my first portal practice.

I picked the lowly penny because it is often ignored and even maligned, and they don’t appear to buy us anything anymore.

However, when seen as it is—a symbol of infinite abundance—just one penny represents the fullness of the divine Mind’s creation. In connecting to and accepting that truth, we can now walk through its portal and experience that abundance.

Imagine walking through an open door or portal and stepping into Love’s environment, which has everything you need.

It would be more beautiful and perfect than any holodeck on Star Trek, more lovely than our greatest dreams.

We may each have a different version of heaven on earth, but it would be exactly what we need.

It sounds magical, but actually, it is real.

It is possible to walk through that portal of perception at any moment and experience heaven on earth.

We are limited in this experience only by how much we are willing to let go of thinking of ourselves as human beings encased within physical laws and instead perceive as God perceives.

Imagination is the vehicle that takes us there for now.

Eventually, we will stop believing in the illusion that matter is a substance.

We will see that it acts like a filter to what is real, and we will know ourselves as we “are already known.”

Pick a symbol to be your portal. Each time you see or hold it, let it transport you to the Truth of your spiritual being and into heaven on earth.

Hours after choosing pennies, while on a walk, we found three more. Later, thinking of this article, I found a shiny new penny in the street, proving once again that what we focus on is what we see.

It reminded me of the song Pennies From Heaven and the lyrics, “Finding your fortune all over town.”

Go ahead, step into a portal, and find your fortune all over town!



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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