It Matters What Side You Choose

Beca Lewis
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Sometimes we need to take a stand.

It was 1970 when I first read this statement: “On one side will be discord and dismay, and on the other side will be Science and peace.” *

This statement actually frightened me quite a bit. I decided that I wanted to be on the side of Science and peace. Who wouldn’t?

Today, older and hopefully a bit wiser, I see this prophecy coming true, and yet today I realize it isn’t what I thought it was about at all.

Yes, there appears to be much discord and dismay. The economies of many nations are teetering on collapse. The world has experienced earthquakes, storms, and fires beyond comprehension. Millions of people starve every year.

It all seems out of control.

All those many years ago, I thought that the statement meant that while everything fell apart if I did things wisely and understood what was meant by that quote, I could live in a self-contained and peaceful place, isolated from the storm raging around me.

Today, I know this is impossible, and it isn’t what that quote means.

Even if we wanted to hide our heads in the sand and hope the mess would all go away, we can’t, and it won’t.

Every disruption, whether across the world in a distant land, for our next-door neighbor, or for our family, affects us deeply and directly.

Today, I know that the line of demarcation between discord and dismay and Science and peace is not an “over there is your problem” line because “right here I am happy” line.

Instead, it lies within our thinking, and until we handle the discord and dismay there, it will remain and flourish.

No one is immune. Some might think they are, but this is a battle that each of us must fight from within. However, there is no “just me.”

It brings “us” and “we” together, overthrowing the belief of discord and dismay for everyone.

Right now, evil appears to be running rampant in the form of relentless greed for money and power.

Yes, we could all name names, but evil is never fought person to person.

It is met and mastered individually, and action stemming from that mastery will destroy the illusion of evil in everyone’s lives.

Actually, the evil that seems so prevalent now has always been present.

However, today, millions of minds are choosing God First. They demand that Love motivate all action and that Love be honored and known as the one and only power.

This powerful shift of thought brings forward what has long been buried and is now being revealed.

>> Revealed to be denied, not revealed to become more powerful by producing more fear.

>> Revealed to be shut down and turned off, not revealed to make us victims of its insanity.

There is no evil power that can claim to lock up the infinite provision of Love and make it available only to a select few and possibly trickle it down to the rest of us.

We have to stop believing this lie.

Yes, our senses tell us this is happening. However, the senses only reflect what we have accepted as true.

The more we believe, talk about, and get angry or depressed, the more we empower it in the only place it can exist — within our own thinking.

The more we deny this claim of evil and affirm and celebrate the Truth of and Science of Good through both word and action, the faster we will all experience it in our lives.

What appears to be locked up will flow.

What appears as greed will dissolve, revealing consistency, profuseness, and present provision for everyone.

We can stop letting ourselves get tangled up in the spider web of lies, illusions, deceit, and betrayal and live as if it were true.

This will take a moment-by-moment decision to claim Truth for our distant and far neighbors, our families, and ourselves that no one, ever, anywhere, has ever been without the presence and abundance of the power of Love in their lives.

The Infinite’s love and unlimited abundance and provision don’t trickle down. It flows equally and profusely to everyone without fail.

When we choose this point of view as truth and align our actions and state of mind with it, the illusion loses its power, and peace and abundance are revealed.

[*Mary Baker Eddy]



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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