Finding Something That Isn’t Lost

What you need is here now.

Beca Lewis
3 min readMar 19, 2024

I couldn’t find my letter opener. I loved it. It was efficient and beautiful. Plus, it had sentimental value because it was a gift from a business community I had helped serve.

After searching for it, I concluded that I had probably thrown it away while throwing away a pile of opened envelopes. I reached this conclusion because it was something I had done before, which meant I had two items on my list to shift.

First, I had to shift my thinking about myself as being unaware, and second, I had to stop believing that anything could ever be lost.

I knew that until I made that shift, these two beliefs would reproduce themselves in my life in other ways.

Luckily, both points of view can be shifted by using the same “think differently” tool.

A tool that, just like the letter opener, is efficient and beautiful.

First, if I accepted the paradigm, the point of view, that I am unaware, then I would experience more unawareness on my part.

All the guilt and blah stuff that goes with berating ourselves creates even more of a barrier to seeing through it to see our true spiritual essence.

The real me and you are composed of lovely qualities. I claimed the quality of awareness for myself.

I declared that there was never a moment of my being outside the infinite Mind that knows all. This point of view, in turn, made me more aware in practical ways—like paying attention to what was in my hand.

Then, I shifted my perception of the letter opener.

I returned the “thing” called a letter opener back into “thoughts,” which is where everything begins, anyway. Some qualities I claimed about it were useful, solid, sharp, smooth, and substantial.

In addition, I added the qualities I felt about the group I had belonged to—community, love, expansiveness—to name a few.

All those qualities still existed in my world, whether or not that specific letter opener represented them.

They exist in everyone’s world because qualities make up Reality.

Using this shift tool, I was aligning my state of mind with my point of view that nothing could ever be lost since omnipresent Divinity has always been and always will be present in practical ways in our lives.

The first time I did this exercise, it didn’t take long—just a few minutes.

After that, I occasionally reminded myself of the qualities, especially when I missed the letter opener. I let go of needing to find it because I knew its qualities were never lost, which meant they would always show up in the best way possible.

It was never about finding the letter opener. It was about understanding more of infinite Intelligence’s omnipresence.

Then, one day, out of nowhere, I knew where the letter opener was.

I walked to the drawer where it was supposed to be, put my hand down on top of the drawer liner, and felt the letter opener underneath it.

Never lost.

In quantum physics, there is never any more energy created or lost than what existed at the beginning.

Taking it outside of measurable energy and into spiritual Reality, what is present is never more or less than what it was in the beginning.

Using qualities takes us directly into that realm.

This perfection is not something we earn or make happen, but something we yield to.

It wouldn’t have mattered if I had found the exact letter opener or if another took its place—the qualities were always present.

Applying the point of view that nothing can ever be lost, whether it appears as people, time, or things, we always discover that whatever is needed is always present.



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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