Evidence of Things Not Seen

Beca Lewis
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Miracles of “everyday” life.

Have you ever wondered if you are fulfilling your desire to live your life spiritually?

After all, life drifts by. We have events to go to, bills to pay, people to visit, reports to write, dinner to cook, movies to see, and people to care for.

Have you ever wondered why we don’t experience those mystical and profound moments mentioned in the Bible? Moments like being guided by fire and clouds or burning bushes that don’t burn.

Working on the hypothesis that we experience these same kinds of moments but don’t recognize them for what they are, one week, I replayed what happened just to see if I could find any of those moments.

It delighted me to notice that they were everywhere, perhaps in small bits and pieces, but definitely present.

I bet everyone has them, so I’ll share a few of mine to start the ideas flowing.

One day, I didn’t feel well. I recognized it as the belief that an illness that everyone was talking about could last a long time.

Part of me wanted it to be okay to be sick because I was tired, and I figured it might be a good excuse to rest.

Although I squashed that temptation quickly, I still didn’t feel well.

I started contemplating the fact that God, Good, divine Mind, the infinite One — whatever name you prefer — is omnipresent.

Trying to understand the idea of being omnipresent, I pictured little bubbles of goodness, all packed tightly together with no space in between.

The picture worked because the more I thought about it, the more obvious it became that nothing can squeeze between those bubbles of goodness to make me feel sick since there is no space in the omnipresent good for anything other than good to exist.

Later that day, I realized the whole idea and experience of that sickness were gone.

In that same week, in Tai Chi class, I noticed that one of my fingers had swollen because it appeared to have a splinter.

Since I couldn’t leave the class to find tweezers, I imagined the splinter working its way back out of my finger. Once again, I imagined there was no room for anything but good in omnipresent Good.

I did that for a moment and then returned to concentrating on class. Later that day, I remembered the swelling and splinter, but both were gone.

We planted corn seeds in our garden that week. I knew every tiny seed would produce stalks that would grow over my head, each with multiple ears of corn neatly lined with hundreds of seeds.

Aren’t these events as effective as a non-burning bush to provide evidence of things not seen, evidence of being guided and provided for by omnipresent Good?

Yes, in the Bible, there are stories of people experiencing fire, clouds that guided them, and voices that spoke to them. They found water in rocks and food on the ground every morning.

It sounds so “miraculous” that we often think these things don’t happen anymore, or at least not to us.

Nevertheless, they do. The fire and clouds were symbols that made sense to the Israelites.

Fire and clouds may not be the symbols we see today.

Yet, when we pay attention, we find that the same God who guided and spoke to the Israelites guides and speaks to us.

Think of the times that you “heard” the right way to go, followed it, and found provision in places that may have appeared barren before.

Think of the times that provision has appeared without effort on your part because you knew — had faith, if only for a moment — that only Good could be present at all times.

If you cannot recall a specific incident, return to this morning when the sun rose, and the world continued to support your footsteps.

Even those who claim not to believe in God trust in these basic life-giving and sustaining provisions being present each morning.

It doesn’t matter if we don’t call this force God because God doesn’t need a name to exist or for us to have the faith that there is more to everything than meets the eye.

If we wonder if we are living our lives spiritually enough, we miss the point. We are already spiritual. Life is the evidence and action of the One we can call God.

There is really nothing for us to do other than shift our perception from thinking we are living as material beings to knowing ourselves as Spirit beings.

Then everything becomes as “miraculous” as water from a rock, fire, clouds in the sky, and bushes that don’t burn.

The Truth 4 Today: All the good and beauty we experience is the one spiritual universe not wholly hidden by the belief we are human, and it is material.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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