Do You Like The Story You Are Telling?
“In the beginning was the Word.” John 1:1
Notice that this phrase doesn’t say “words.” Nor does it mention stories.
That’s because words and stories belong within our version of creation. Perhaps our version is a realm, a dimension, or a computer game.
Who knows? Not me.
And, because we have free will, we get to choose which story we want to live in.
What I do know is that our version is comprised of multiple stories made up of words that either unite or separate.
The Bible tells us about this choice as a story.
Ah. Temptation. Something we all deal with constantly.
Eve-of course, blame it on the woman-tempts the man to eat an apple. That was easy to do because he already wanted to do something he wasn’t supposed to do.
Usually we think of it as being tempted to do something we are not supposed to do, when really it’s always a temptation to believe something that isn’t true.
Back to that apple tree, otherwise known as the tree of knowledge.
But wait. Remember, it’s only a story.
The minute Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation to know both good and evil, we were all doomed to repeat this story over and over again.
And don’t get me wrong, I love a good story. I love reading them.
I love writing what I hope are good stories. The trick is not to think that the stories are Reality.
Nope, not Reality. Stories. Some are good. Some are bad. Our human world is made up of many, many, many stories.
Everyone has the right to believe in their own story. Fighting over whose story is the best, the truest, and the closest to the Divine’s desire is pure stupidity.
Okay. Maybe that’s too harsh, but really, it is stupid. It’s just a story.
The cool part of all this is, remember, we were given free will (in this human story).
We get to choose the story we want to live.
Which means that we get to choose.
Yes, it’s our perception of what we think is real that writes the story. So. Why not-I ask myself all the time-write a better story about life?
Yes, I say that to myself about book writing, too.
Why not do the same thing about the story of our lives?
I want to write a better book each time. Hopefully, I do. But I don’t leave it up to chance. I learn, study, practice, and then put into action what I have learned.
It takes the same intent. Learn, study, practice, and put into action what we want to be True.
Yes, there is a Truth. It’s the Word. One.
If we start our human stories from the point of view of One-Divine Love, Infinite Mind, and Principle-that will shift our perception, and that will reveal a little more of what is already present.
All we need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Planted. Used.
Of course, we have to act as if we believe it. After all, faith is the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
As we rewrite the stories of our lives, let’s not give the evil editor any power.
That is not rewriting the premise of divine Love. That’s a trap that keeps us in the human view of the Infinite.
You know that voice in our heads that tries to lock us into our stories by making us feel guilty for what we have done or not done?
In order to fully shift our perception, our point of view and state of mind need to be in harmony. That means we learn from the past and move on.
You know. The Word. One.
We can all become better storytellers so we can live better lives. And we can rest in the knowledge that eventually the human stories will disappear, and we’ll see each other and Life in Truth.
Until then, we learn, practice, and take action based on our faith that the only power is Love.
When we all write our human stories from that premise, well, you can imagine how wonderful that will be.
Originally published at on January 15, 2024.