Clearly Seeing Your Unique Spiritual Gifts

Beca Lewis
3 min readDec 30, 2019


With a date like 2020, there is no way to not go to the symbol of seeing clearly.

Maybe this year could begin a whole decade of seeing clearly. As a human race, we certainly need clear sight to heal separations between people and nations, and to repair the damage we have done to our earth mother.

Political divisions and country disputes seem so massive right now we may wonder how we will ever get back to a people that listens to understand, and works together in community and collaboration.

We may despair that we have ruined our air, polluted our oceans, and have become either jaded to what we have done, or complacent because we believe that there is nothing we can do.

But the good news is that all change begins on a small scale. With ourselves.

When we heal the divisions within ourselves, we can heal divisions we have with the people close to us. Then, like concentric circles, it will spread out into the larger world.

First, we need to see clearly that there is a problem. Sometimes that’s hard to do. Our ego thinks that we’ll be trapped in the problem if we acknowledge it.

That, of course, is the exact opposite of the truth of it.

Clarity about a problem always reveals a solution.

Plus, healing divisions and separations doesn’t mean we have to agree with each other.

However, we do have to listen with the intention of understanding. And work together towards an outcome that benefits everyone.

A quote from my first published book back in 1994 was picked up by Reader’s Digest and has made the rounds ever since.

Once in a while, I see it pop up in my twitter feed from someone else. Of course, that makes me happy. But what would make me even happier is if we all practiced it more often.

“Yearn to understand first and to be understood second.”

Yearning to understand requires us to listen, not with our heads, but with our hearts.

Listen to understand, not to answer. And once again, we need to begin with ourselves.

Do we listen to our still small voice to gain clarity? Do we see clearly, appreciate, and honor all our spiritually unique gifts?

Not just some of us. Everyone has gifts. It’s a condition of being alive.

To reveal the life we desire, we have to accept that those gifts are valuable and be willing to share them.

If we can do that for ourselves, we could do it for others. Concentric circles again.

Here’s how:

  • Ask yourself, “What do I love most about myself?”
  • Are you willing to accept that it is a gift?
  • Are you willing to express that gift to yourself first and then to everyone you meet? In person and in thought?

Start this new year and new century not with a list of things to do, but with a willingness to clearly see, accept, and express your unique spiritual gifts.

It is the best thing we can do for ourselves and others.

All else will follow from there.

Start small. You know, with the man in the mirror.

Love what you see.

Find a quality about yourself that you can celebrate. Then do it for the next person that you see, because after all, we are all mirrors for each other.

Say yes to this simple solution for living the life that you want to live. It just needs to be acknowledged and practiced.

To get started, here’s what to do:

  • Pick a quality, aka gift, that you love the most about yourself right now. (Example, curiosity, steadfastness, kindness, etc..)
  • Celebrate and use that gift this month. See what happens.

Here’s last year’s January post — Be Willing To Say No Before You Say Yes

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Originally published at on December 30, 2019.



Beca Lewis
Beca Lewis

Written by Beca Lewis

Shifting Stories. Writing Stories. #author, #coach #shiftthestory

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